Double Vision2022-07-20T11:50:02+00:00

Double vision (diplopia) will make you see two separate images of a single object

This new symptom may indicate a serious underlying disease or conditions that we can treat

Double vision (diplopia) will make you see two separate images of a single object

This new symptom may indicate a serious underlying disease or conditions that we can treat

There are several different types of diplopia, and many different causes

Discover more about this symptom and next steps

Double vision – also called diplopia – will make you see two separate images of a single object. There are several different types of diplopia and many different causes. Sometimes, double vision can be a symptom of a serious underlying disease or condition. For that reason, if you encounter double vision at any time, you should make an appointment with an eye expert straight away.

In normal vision, the two separate images from each of your eyes are combined by the brain into one single image. Double vision occurs when the brain cannot combine the images from each of the eyes into a single image. This is usually because the images are not similar enough because of problems with the muscles or nerves that control precisely where each eye is looking.

There are two main types of double vision: binocular and monocular.

Binocular diplopia

Binocular diplopia is the most common type of double vision. It occurs when your eyes don’t align with each other as they normally would. Those with binocular double vision will find that covering either eye gets rid of the double image. A squint usually causes binocular double vision, but it could be a symptom of a much more serious medical condition if it occurs suddenly.

Diseases of the thyroid or arteries, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and other serious conditions can cause double vision. It’s therefore essential to make an appointment with an eye specialist as soon as possible if you have double vision.

Monocular diplopia

Monocular diplopia is double vision in one eye only. It is much less common than binocular diplopia. If you have monocular double vision, only covering the affected eye will make the double image disappear. An abnormality usually causes monocular double vision within the eye. This could be a refractive error like astigmatism or a rare type of cataract. It can also be caused by abnormalities of the iris, lens, or fluid within the eye, and even dry eye.

Symptoms often include when you simultaneously see two separate images of the same object. In some cases, this double vision can be little more than a faint ‘ghost’ image, which is easily confused with blurred vision.

In other cases, you may experience symptoms where the images appear side-by-side, one above the other, or diagonally. Double vision makes it difficult to see objects at any distance. It particularly affects your spatial awareness and, therefore, your ability to drive. Children with double vision may frequently cover one eye, or they may tend to squint or turn their heads to see properly.

Your ophthalmologist will assess your eye movements to determine the cause of your double vision. We may also require a visual field test or OCT.

If you suffer from double vision, your treatment will depend on the type and cause of your diplopia. Treatment can be as simple as wearing an eye patch or special glasses or contacts.

Botox® injections or eyelid surgery can correct a squint that causes double vision. Similarly, a cataract operation may be necessary if a cataract is causing the problem. Or dry eye treatment may help if dry eye is the cause.

I have sudden onset double vision should I be worried?

Any sudden onset of double vision should be seen by your optometrist or a medical professional.

Can surgery help my double vision?

Yes, depending on the cause of the double vision.

Will glasses help with my double vision?

Possibly, depending on the cause of the double vision.

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We understand that any issue with your eyes can be a weight on your shoulders. Give us a call to book your appointment today, and we’ll help you get to the bottom of your issue and put your mind at ease.

Gain relief from a worrying eye condition

We understand that any issue with your eyes can be a weight on your shoulders. Give us a call to book your appointment today, and we’ll help you get to the bottom of your issue and put your mind at ease.

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Choose the option below that sounds most like you to discover your best solution

Do your glasses and contacts get in your way or make you feel uncomfortable?

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Is your vision becoming cloudy, blurry and dull or have you been diagnosed with cataracts?

When your glasses are no longer effective, your quality of life is impacted. At first, you might be able to muddle by. But as your vision deteriorates, your ability to function as you normally would is needlessly compromised. With modern cataract surgery, you have the choice to quickly and easily improve your vision (and even reduce your dependence on glasses).


Take this quick quiz to discover if you can escape the hassle of reading glasses

After the age of 45, many people find reading glasses frustrating. Take this quick 2-min quiz to find out which type of eye surgery could help you to turn back the clock on your eyes.

Gain visual freedom in 3 easy steps

Eye treatment options can be confusing. We’ve made the journey as straightforward as can be

1. Get in touch

The first step is to call us so we can answer any questions we can on the phone. Give our friendly team a call on 0800 99 2020 or request a call back from us.

2. We’ll meet

At your consultation, we’ll diagnose your issues, answer your questions and give you a clear recommendation based on your needs. You’ll confidently leave with a clear understanding of your treatment options.

3. Enjoy clarity

After treatment, people often tell us how pleased they were that they took action when they did. They’re often so glad that they reached out so that we could address their concerns and help them resolve their troublesome eye condition.

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Additional resources on treating double vision

Find out more about why you might be experiencing double vision and what could be the cause.

Double vision occurs when a person sees a double image where there should only be one. The two images can be side by side, on top of one another, or both.

The condition can affect balance, movement, and reading ability.

If double vision affects just one eye, it is monocular. If it affects both eyes, it is binocular. Treatments depend on the cause and type, but they include eye exercises, specially designed glasses, and surgery.

Click here to read more.

Temporary episodes of double vision can happen for many reasons, including drinking too much alcohol or being overly tired. This type of short-term double vision is usually not cause for worry.

But if the diplopia is long-lasting or keeps coming back, there could be other reasons for it.

Click here to read more.

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